The musings of two dudes who have absorbed too much pop culture for their own good and just don't care anymore. Decency? Not here. Respect? Out the window. Finding out what happens when cereal mascots turn to mass murder? Oh, yes — Time To Tell Tales of The Unaccountable.

Pulp Commentary - FRIDAY THE 13TH (2009)

In this special edition of Pulp Commentary, the boys return to the beginning. You see, there's all the usual suspects: sack heads, hockey masks, Mrs. Voorhees', copious amounts of machete action, and... America Olivo's boobs? Waitaminute, that's different! Appreciated, but different. It's remake time, folks! So, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE THIS JASON AIN'T SCREWING AROUND. But more importantly, settle on down to the camp fire of an operating Crystal Lake, and for god sake help out that Winchester brother - he needs places to hang his fliers! - all by joining us this ultra special October Variant of the unlucky holiday, as we wind down our blood thirsty tradition with the Marcus Nispel directed reboot merely titled: FRIDAY THE 13TH.

Uncover the hidden gold within Jason's various tunnels by downloading the commentary here!

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