The musings of two dudes who have absorbed too much pop culture for their own good and just don't care anymore. Decency? Not here. Respect? Out the window. Finding out what happens when cereal mascots turn to mass murder? Oh, yes — Time To Tell Tales of The Unaccountable.

Pulp Commentary - God's Not Dead

In this edition of Pulp Commentary, our brains melt out our ears and we experience offensive B.S. the likes of which we've never seen before, as we enter a magical realm that exists only in the minds of these insane filmmakers. So, join us -- we guess -- because we're watching the bizarre propaganda film: GOD'S NOT DEAD. He totally is though, don't let the title fool you. Now, go and text everyone you know that 'Pulp's Not Dead!'

(Also, head on over to our sister show Below The Bible Belt and listen to their DUELING COMMENTARY for God's Not Dead. Yes, we're giving you permission to cheat on us, but only as sloppy seconds)